Paint defects
Defects of paints
Edge markings:
Recessed varnish surface via putty or filler points, with recognizable edge zone, loss of gloss (haze) within the faulty zone.
In damp weather, a small amount of water vapor is absorbed by the paint system, which evaporates again in dry weather. This process is normal and does not damage a coating structure consisting of coordinated layers. In the case of improper surface treatment, hygroscopic (hydrophilic) substances (salts) may remain as impurities. These cause local concentrations of moisture that cause the paint film to bubble up. Bubbles can appear as bumps in different sizes, locations and frequencies. They can arise between the individual layers, but also under the entire paint system. In dry weather, the bubbles mostly form back.
Peroxide stains / blood circulation:
Spotty discoloration of the top coat layer, often with metallic silver or black tones
Sparks (rust):
Point-like corrosion on the paint surface.
Liability loss:
There are two types of loss of adhesion: Loss of adhesion between the individual layers of a coating and loss of adhesion between the complete paint system and the substrate.
Needle Stitches / Cooker:
Small, blister-like surface defects caused by solvent enclosed in the paint film
Circular wells with diameters of 0.5 to 3mm. The appearance ranges from very shallow hollows in the last coating layer to serious wetting disorders that go through to the substrate.
Noses / Runners / Tears / Curtains:
Thickening of the paint film at vertical locations
Orange peels:
Uneven surface formation, orange peel-like appearance of the paint surface
Wavy paint surface with uneven furrows.
Cobweb-like cracks of varying length and depth.
Acid rain:
Light or sometimes dark spots in the topcoat. The clearcoat loses its transparency and / or shine. Acid marks become visible.
Sanding marks marking:
Sanding marks are visible in the finished paint layer.
Dirt inclusions:
Visible impurities in the paint film due to particles of different sizes
Matte spots that appear in different sizes in the paint pattern.
Bird droppings:
Acid stains in the topcoat. The excrement can lead to discoloration in the topcoat when they last for a long time.
Water stains:
Ring-shaped bright spots in the paint surface
Cloud formation:
Cloudy or strip-like irregularities in metallic coatings due to uneven orientation of the metal pigments